Bad Boys, Bad Boys...Whatcha Gonna Do
Saturday, August 21st
Hola from beautiful, sunny Madrid! We have had so much rain and cool weather on this trip...I'm am loving how warm Spain is. I won't even complain when we get to Sevilla, where I hear it's easily over 100 degrees.
Today we took a short day trip by bus out to El Escorial. There we toured another royal palace and, of course, no photos allowed. It wasn't nearly as opulent as the palace we visited yesterday, but it sure was full of dead people! There were about six or seven tomb rooms. The first one held over 400 centuries of Spanish kings & queens and the last one held royal children who died before their first communion...sad. The tomb rooms in between all looked the same to me.
Before returning to Madrid, we had some gelato at the bus station. They had one made with Kit was to die for! Not literally, after all, I'm not ready to be put in a tomb room.

Back in Madrid, we went to Puerto del Sol to check out some ham...Spain is famous for it. Mike was wanting to bring some back, but it looks like customs might not like that idea. Anyway, Mike saw a couple police officers and, before you know it, they're talking like they've known each other forever. The two officers are so excited by the patches that Mike gives them, they take us to their station and give us a addition to giving Mike one of their patches. They exchange email addresses and promise to keep in touch...we even offer to show them around if they come out to SoCal. It was really cool...the highlight of our time in Madrid.
Well, as the day was quickly coming to an end and we needed to get back to the apartment to finish laundry, we just picked up a pizza on our way home. I just finished completely repacking and making a list of all the souveniers we bought for the declaration form we need to fill out when we return to the States.
Now, I'm laying in bed...Mike and Matt are asleep. I wanted to get my blog done because we are travelling to Sevilla tomorrow morning. And, since we have a 7:30 am train to catch and it's about 12:30 am right now...I better get some sleep.
Buenos noches, Cindy
(Just so you know, I've become quite adept at flipping my fan around.)
Can't wait to see the fan flipping in person...and Kit Kat gelato...can you bring me some of that?????